Functions Of The Technical Branches


Commodities Development Branch

  • To develop the rice industry, industry and commodity crops and floriculture potential to meet the objectives of the National Agricultural Policy.
  • Develop a package of rice technology, industry and commodity crops and floriculture potential projects based on the observation of technology and technology prospecting.
  • To provide consultancy services, technical support and advice to entrepreneurs.
  • Manufacture and supply of quality seeds and planting materials to the plant operators.
  • Authentication scheme provides seed paddy rice seed producers authorized to private.
  • Developing fruit industry in the commercial and competitive as well as promoting new technologies to support the development of the Department of Agriculture program.
  • To develop the vegetable industry and commercial crops and competitive as well as promoting new technologies to support the development of the Department of Agriculture program.
  • Produce seeds and planting materials of fruits, vegetables and crops quality and conserve and develop plant genetic resources.

Land Management and Conservation Branch

  • Conduct investigation to determine the types of land for planning development projects in agriculture and other uses such as construction of infrastructure, urban and rural planning.
  • Conduct investigations and issue a land use map land use in Peninsular Malaysia as well as statistical and agricultural products.
  • Identify and develop application technologies and effective management of soil fertility enhancing crop productivity in soils.
  • To guide land and water management to control erosion and reduce environmental pollution caused by agricultural development activities towards sustainable development.
  • Provide analytical services for soil samples, leaf, fertilizer, water and agriculture.

Branch of the Crop Protection and Plant Quarantine

  • Protect the agricultural sector and the country from attack kemerebakan diseases and pests through their expertise and consulting services and control programs in the areas of crop protection and plant quarantine.
  • Charge of agricultural safety and protect the nation from foreign pests through the implementation of the enforcement of the Plant Quarantine Act 1976 and Plant Quarantine Regulations 1981 and the enforcement of the Customs Act and CITES to protect the interests of the country so they can plant and janaplasma high value in terms of genetics and not out of the country's commercial.

Human Resource Development Branch.

  • Implement short-term training programs / extension of inside / outside the country for the officers.
  • Implement Course Level Assessment (PTK) for officers.
  • Agriculture Certificate training for SPM leavers.
  • Implementing the Youth Entrepreneur Incubator Program for youth Tani.
  • Malaysian Skills Certificate training for school leavers.